If your project is in development, late changes to the database schema could trigger significant code changes that jeopardize the timely delivery and quality of the deliverable, thus increasing cost. 如果您的项目处于开发阶段,今后更改数据库架构可能会导致巨大的代码更改,从而阻碍可交付结果的及时交付并降低质量,进而增加成本。
The fact is, we face a real dilemma. We need to educate people in a better way without increasing cost. 实际上,我们有一个很现实的难题&我们需要在不增加花费的基础上,以一种更好的方式使人接受教育。
Predictions are that the increasing cost trend is continuing. 并且可以预期的是,成本增长的趋势将持续下去。
China's fast-paced economic growth slowed only slightly in the first quarter, while inflation leapt to a three-year high despite Beijing's repeated attempts to tackle the increasing cost of living. 尽管北京试图控制不断攀升的物价,但一季度中国的高增长率仅略有降低,而通涨达到3年来的最高水平。
In developing countries, the increasing cost and decreasing supply of traditional feedstuffs are expected to constrain the future expansion of poultry production. 在发展中国家,传统饲料的成本上涨,供给减少,这将会限制家禽养殖业的未来发展。
More to the point, China is watching with some trepidation as his Hong Kong-listed company faces increasing cost overruns and delays. 更确切地说,中国正在胆战心惊地盯着这个项目,因为这家在香港上市的企业正在面临日益超支的成本和反复拖延。
Please identify the factors responsible for the increasing cost of living. 请指出引起生活费高涨的因素。
And it comes atop the increasing cost of utilities, gasoline and food& and the few hundred dollars of repairs her1994 Chevrolet Cavalier needs. 日用品、汽油、食物的增长以及维修她的94年产的雪佛兰车花的几百块都不及医药费增长带来的开支增加。
With the intensifying market competition and increasing cost of winning customer, the switching mechanism from customer satisfaction to customer loyalty has become a focus of both the practitioners and the academic. 随着市场竞争的加剧和顾客争夺成本的提高,顾客满意向顾客忠诚的转换机理已经引起理论界和实践界的广泛关注。
Thermal spraying technology can make the material surface strengthened, and give the special performance on the foundation of not increasing cost. 热喷涂技术能使材料表面得到强化,在不明显增加成本的基础上,赋予材料某种特殊性能。
Influenced by marine organisms, there's much trouble such as increasing cost for equipment maintenance and disadvantageous operation for some consumers in the marine system, in which the ocean-platform works. 由于海上平台海水系统受海洋生物的影响,给平台设备的运行带来很大的麻烦,既增加了设备维护费用,又影响海水用户的正常运行,给平台的安全生产增加不利因素。
Recently, due to the pressure of ever increasing cost and competition, A company has transferred part of her heating blankets manufacturing from America to China. 近年来,由于成本与竞争的压力,A公司已将部分电热毯产品的生产制造从美国逐渐转移到了中国。
In recent decades, the growing numbers of structures near or beyond their design lifetime, combined with the increasing cost of maintenance and repair, have accelerated the development of damage detection and health monitoring approaches. 近二十年来,随着各种工程结构的老化问题和维修成本的增加,使得结构的损伤检测和健康监测方法获得了快速的发展。
In the paper, it is introduced that the problem of remote multi machine communication is solved between virtual dispatching exchange main machine and the dispatching desks without increasing cost, with MAX 1480 chip of MAXIM utilized and a series of software. 介绍了在虚拟调度交换方式中,通过采用一系列软件措施,利用MAXIM公司的MAX1480芯片,不增加硬件成本,解决了虚拟调度交换机的主机同各调度台的远距离多机通讯问题。
Finally I study the cycle stocks and the safe stocks of the supply chain in details, and discuss how to reduce them in the preconditions of not lowering the supply level and increasing cost. 最后,详尽地论述了供应链中的循环库存和安全库存,并讨论了在既不降低供给水平同时又不增加成本的基础上,如何降低循环库存和安全库存。
And the increasing cost of knowledge transformation was unfavorable to the knowledge transaction. 而知识转化的成本的增加,则不利于知识的转移。
The commercial bank's liquidity risk means the possibility that the commercial bank can not meet it's client's liquidity demand in time under the circumstances of not increasing cost or losing capital value. 商业银行流动性风险是指商业银行在不增加成本或资产价值不发生损失的条件下,无法及时满足客户流动性需求的可能性。
Mass Customization is used to offer diverse and individual product for customers on basis of not increasing cost and time. 大规模定制旨在为用户提供多品种和个性化的产品,同时不增加成本和时间。
Only adding a resonant inductor, stress of voltage and current in devices turns lower than traditional PWM hard-switching, without no increasing cost and complication of circuit. 与传统PWM硬开关变换器相比,元器件的电压、电流应力小,仅仅增加了一个谐振电感,成本和电路的复杂程度没有增加。
Therefore, multi-language often means dramatically increasing cost. 因此,提供多语言的web站点往往意味着成本的节节攀升。
Adding a little of NZ and NS in microemulsion, the nature of its yellowing is considerably reduced with no concerns of increasing cost and decreasing softness. 微乳液中加入少量有机酸酯(NZ)和亚硫酸氢钠(NS),可有效降低泛黄性,且不增加成本、不降低柔软性。
Therefore, under the pressures of gross profit and increasing cost, pharmaceutical distribution companies, especially pharmaceutical logistics companies, need to decrease the supply chain general cost, provide more incremental services and increase enterprises competitiveness by integrating the supply chain. 所以在毛利下降和成本增加的双重压力下,医药流通企业,尤其是医药流通物流企业需要通过整合供应链,促使供应链整体成本降低,提供更多增值性的服务,提升企业竞争能力。
In enterprise budget perspective, all above means increasing cost and decreasing income; in the macro view, all above means foreign trade deficit is increasing and foreign exchange reserves is decreasing. 这些表现在企业收支上,也就是成本的提高与收入的减少;在国家层而则表现为外贸收支逆差增加和外汇储备减少或外债增加,由此落入发展陷阱。
With the rising price of land, raw materials and labor, industrial enterprises, especially labor-intensive enterprises are facing increasing cost pressures in eastern China. These enterprises have to transfer to the central and western regions. 随着土地、原材料和劳动力等要素价格的不断上升,我国东部地区工业企业特别是劳动密集型企业面临越来越大的成本压力,具有不断向中西部地区转移的趋势。
Specifically, it includes interior restrictions from low product value-added, deficiency in technical innovation and lagged development of brand marketing, etc; and external restrictions from factors are also included like appreciation of the RMB, increasing cost of raw materials, technical barriers and anti-dumping. 具体包括产品附加值低、技术创新不足、品牌营销发展滞后等内部约束;以及人民币升值、原料成本上升、技术壁垒和反倾销等外部约束。
On the other hand, horizontal integration strategy had some negative effects, increased management costs, inputting too many resources, uneconomical mutual aid actions, and so did vertical integration strategy, increasing cost of production management, problem of production balance. 横向一体化战略的负向效应有,管理成本增加、过度资源投入和不经济互助行为三个方面;纵向一体化战略的负向效应有,生产管理成本问题和生产平衡问题两个方面。
When the crime rate rose, punishment against freedom produced a side effect, namely increasing cost of execution, which took up a great deal of social resources and that condition became increasingly prominent. 而犯罪率不断提升的同时,自由刑带来的另外一个副作用,即行刑的成本越来越高,占用了极大的社会资源的问题也日益凸显。
Postpone strategy could satisfy customized demand on the basis of nether increasing cost level nor prolonging lead time by postponing the customized activities in the respectives of time and space. It could be seen as an effective method to realize mass customization. 延迟生产通过在时间和空间上推迟定制化活动,在不引起成本增加和提前期延长的基础上满足客户定制化需求,是实现大规模定制的一种有效方法。
Facing shrinking profit margins and increasing cost pressure, for such a world-class manufacturer in China, the cost is the lifeblood of manufacturing enterprises and cost management in manufacturing enterprises is especially important. 面对不断缩小的利润空间和日益增大的成本压力,对于我国这样的世界级的制造大国来说,成本可以说是制造企业的命脉,制造业企业的成本费用管理显得尤其重要。